Welcome to the Neverwinter Nights 2 Toolset Site. It is a site that is dedicated to Obsidian's masterpiece Neverwinter Nights 2 and the Electron Engine.
Neverwinter Nights 2 gives you all the tools you need to build your own modules, campaigns, and adventures - create buildings, terrain, script encounters, write dialogues, create quests and items - everything you need to create an epic adventure of your own is included in the toolset for you and any other worldbuilder to use.
If I host anything here that you the author want me to remove then please message me on the forums and I will remove as soon as I possibly can. Please note that kudos is given to those that made whatever I host here and I host it for the benefit of the Builders Community as a whole.
This is a community project so that if you want to contribute something or disagree with the content on the website then please do/say so.
Current Project: Update the scripting tutorials.
4th May 2008
Wow been a long time with an update. Here goes. SCARLETTHORN has given me permission to use the Voice Over tutorial that was posted at the Bioware forums. The tutorial can be found here. I am currently working to update the Tutorial Manual (including hyperlinks), should be an update on the NWVault soon.
20th June 2007
Added a new link to the links page for a new Persistent World from the Dragon Coast Team (our very own Hellcow is a member of this team), which can be found here.
30th April 2007
All the tutorials should now be online. I hope you like the new navigation and subject titles. If there are any problems please let me know.
29th April 2007
Tutorials are down at the moment, but will reappear one by one over the course of the day. Sorry for any inconvenience, but was thought necessary to redesign the navigation. Getting started tutorials are all back online. All of the Blueprint tutorials are now online.
22nd April 2007
Thanks to Geethree from the Bioware forums for allowing me to host their tutorial on lighting which can be found here.
17th April 2007
At the request of one of our forum members I have uploading another tutorial video on texturing roads, which the original concept goes to fellow Toolset Site team member Hellcow. You can find it here.
15th April 2007
Added another texturing tutorial. This time from our very own staff member Hellcow, which can be found here. This great tutorial covers texturing a road.
13th April 2007
The Neverwinter Nights 2 Toolset Team like to thank Phoenixus from NWCitadel for granting us permission to use his great tutorial on texturing grassland which can be found here.
12th April 2007
In case you have not heard the 1.05 patch has been pulled as it caused the toolset to crash. Hopefully the guys at Obsidian will have this fixed shortly. Added a new tutorial on how to tint walls, which can be found here. Another video tutorial has been added, this time we talk about the terrain tool and in particular the brush sizes and pressure. Please check the video tutorial page.
8th April 2007
Second video is now up in the Video section. The tutorial is about opening a new area and saving.
3rd April 2007
The toolset team have produced their first video tutorial, which can be found in the bottom link on the left hand side. Please be gentle with us as this is the first video that we have ever produced. Let us know of your opinions on them.
29th March 2007
Added a new section called Building Tips. You will be able to access them from the graphic to your right. Many thanks to Hellcow for the majority of the tip. I have also added a tutorial that I found on Feargus Urhquart's blog. I did ask for permission, but got no reply so if Feargus objects I will of course remove it from this site. Tutorial can be found here. Enjoy.
17th March 2007
Added a tutorial on how to add your own load screens to your modules, which can be found here. Have also added a few more scripts to the script pages. I am also going to start adding any worthwhile news with regards to the Toolset and the community and I am going to kick off with the 1.05 BETA.
Notes on the patch can be found here.
9th March 2007
Another great tutorial by Hellcow, which describes how to use your own world maps on Area Transitions trigger can be found here. The PDF document has also been updated on the Vault to version 1.4.
6th March 2007
Added a new tutorial from toolset staff member Hellcow. She has created a tutorial on an alternative way to create a waterfall, which can be found here. She has also added a helpful tip when it comes to adding grass to your module, which can be found here. Hope you find these new valuable additions a great help to your mods.
5th March 2007
The PDF version of the Toolset Guide has made it into the NWVaults Hall of Fame. Thank you to everyone who has voted and also given me valuable feedback to make the Guide as useful and easy to read as possible. The Guide can be found here.
3rd March 2007
Welcome to new staff member Hellcow, who has been a great help so far on the forums. Lesson 2 of the Learn to Script tutorials has now been updated, which you can find here. Lesson 3 has also been updated, which can be found here
28th February 2007
Sorry for the lack of updates recently, which is due to working on the Exodus PW. I have managed to add a new tutorial on how to create a prefab, which can be found here. Also do not forget to join our forums and may I say thanks to Hellcow for sorting out some scripts in the script vaults and also helping with some scripting queries.
11th February 2007
Another tutorial added, which is about added custom Stores to your modules. Click here to find out more. There is also a tutorial on how to add a door, which you can find here.
30th January 2007
With the release of the Version 1.04 patch we are delighted to bring you another tutorial about how to add cut scenes. This tutorial was made by Montgomery Markland of Rogue Dao Studios. NWVault have also published my review on the toolset so why not go over there and tell me what you think of my review. Details of the 1.04 patch can be found on our forums.
22th January 2007
Added some content to the Interior Tutorial, about getting rid of the fogginess and blue/white surround. Also updated Lesson 1 of the Learn to Script tutorials.
Look out for some toolset reviews on the Vault over the next coming days, including yours truely.
17th January 2007
Okay, been a while for an update suffered from toolset burn out, but coming back to it more slowly. GrinningFool has created an IRC channel designed for toolset discussions and support. I am also lurking there so head over to channel #nwn2toolset on irc.neverwinterconnections.com.Added the watermill plugin in the plugin section. This is a great plugin and gets around the restictive nature of water heights in the same tile. Also added a Weather Changer plugin to the plugin section. Added a whole bunch of new scripts to different pages that can be found under the scripts section.
1st January 2007
Happy New Year to all. Hope you have a good one. To kick off the new year a new tutorial on how to create a companion can be found here.
22nd December 2006
Moved to a new host, so thank you very much to MiNalien for sorting it out for me. Make sure that you update your favorites to point to nwn2toolset.com Added another tutorial about how to add sound, which can be found here.
16th December 2006
A new tutorial can be found here, which is about the World Map plugin. Again many thanks to those that have voted on the NWN2 Forge site (106 votes) and also those that have used the advertising banners to help the ongoing costs of the site. I really do appreciate your on going support.
5th December 2006
Added a new tutorial about how to add cliffs to your module without stretching the texture too much. Mike aka Soulraven666 aka Planewalker kindly donated this tutorial so go and visit him at NWN2mods.com.
Again many thanks to those that have voted on the NWN2 Forge site (78 votes) and also those that have used the advertising banners to help the ongoing costs of the site. I really do appreciate your on going support.
4th December 2006
I have now created a PDF document, which has the contents of this site, which will enable you to view the information offline. It can be found here. Please take the time to vote or the very least a comment.
