How to make Cliffs by Soulraven666 from

This is a quick run through of how I apply varying heights of terrain against steep cliff sides in order to avoid long stretches of texture that occur on those cliff faces.

Ok, here's a screen of the cliff I started on...

When you apply a texture to a steep face of terrain, it (the texture) does not turn on it's side and continue down the cliff - instead, it stretches all the way down. I don't have a screen of this but you can see an example in the screen above where the rock texture is used on the soon-to-be waterfall face.

To make this stretching a little less obvious, I raise terrain up in points in front of the cliff making it more jagged as opposed to a straight drop down (or a steep angle as the case is with this toolset). In the following screen you can see I use a small brush for the raising...

This process creates points - literally - of terrain. In fact, in most cases it's an unnaturally sharp point. So, once I have a number of points raised to various levels, I use the smooth tool via a small brush - leaving the pressure at 50%, a few clicks on top of these points can create a rounded/flat top to these raissed masses. In the following shot, you can see how the brush is sized and where I apply the smoothing...

Now that the terrain is more jagged, the long lengths of steep terrain have been shortened to at least have the height of the cliff. You could take it further and make it so that these lengths of steep cliff face are even shorter which means even less of a stretched look, but I was in a hurry. At this point, you can paint on the rock face, and I only paint the rock terrain on the steep faces, saving the flatter areas for grass. This acheives a natural look and leaves less area that would normally need to be covered in the rock terrain. I also added in 2 more rock face textures, but only in some areas and at less than 100% pressure - this helps distract from the stretching effect...

At this point, you can start adding in various placeables as well as grass...