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27th November 2006
Added two tutorials, one about add journal entries which can be found here and how to add a quest, which can be found here.
24th November 2006
Another tutorial has been added and this time it is about adding keys to your blueprints, which can be found here. Many thanks to those that have voted on the NWN2 Forge site and also those that have used the advertising banners to help the ongoing costs of the site.
22nd November 2006
A tutorial about how to place a bridge can be found here.
21st November 2006
Added another tutorial on how to get an NPC to use waypoints, which you can get to here. May I thank all those that have voted at NWN2 Forge, much appreciated. I have included a little script to make voting easier. Thanks again.
20th November 2006
This toolset site is now listed at NWN2 Forge under toolset - guides. Also I would appreciate it if users of this site could vote for it as this would give me an idea of whether its a good site or not as I have had little feedback so far. Please vote here:
Rate this site: here
19th November 2006
Here is the next tutorial installment, which is about the Visual Effects plugin. Added a new scripting tutorial site to the links page, which you can find here. Also added Scarface's Creature Respawning scripts, which can be found here.
17th November 2006
Added another tutorial regarding Custom Encounters, which can be found here.
12th November 2006
A tutorial about creating a store can now be found here.
11th November 2006
New tutorial about Encounters, which can be found here.
8th November 2006
Added a new link to the Thieves Guild which is a portal for everything Neverwinter. Can also get there from here
7th November 2006
Starting to add scripts to the scripts collection. These will generally not be including in the news items as no doubt they will be tons of them. Keep checking the script section for updates.
6th November 2006
Added a new tutorial here, which describes how to create a placeable sign.
4th November 2006
A new tutorial can be found here, which is about interior areas.
3rd November 2006
Added a new tutorial, which can be found here. It is how to create an area transition. I have also added The Grinning Fool's Creature Creation Wizard, which you can get from here and is well worth the look.
2nd November 2006
As you can see on the left side there is now a FAQ section. This will grow and will host quick and simple question and answers. Added the Power Bar plugin to the Plugin download section.

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