30th October 2006
Added a tutorial on Baking. Check out Tutorials - Toolset - Areas
29th October 2006
One plugin added to the download plugin section and one link for a site called Knights of Never who are kindly promoting this site on theres. Thanks Guys. Two tutorials added - one for Walkmeshes which can be found under Tutorials - Toolset - Areas and the other is about Walkmesh Triggers which is under Tutorials - Toolset - Triggers.
28th October 2006
Added more information to the Terrain tutorial, which is found under Tutorials - Toolset - Area - All about Terrain.
27th October 2006
Add two tutorials. The first is Placeables, which you will find under Tutorials - Toolset - Placeables and the other is about placing items, which can be found under Tutorials - Toolset - Items. Added a new link in the links page (Neverwinter Nights Podcast). Add the TerraCoppa plugin on the Download page, please note that I will not be adding every single plugin listed on NWVault, only what I class to be useful (or recommended by you guys). This will be the same for scripts when they get released.
26th October 2006
Added a tutorial on Grass. You will find this under Tutorials - Toolset - Areas and Getting Started.
24th October 2006
Added another tutorial regarding textures. You will find this under Tutorials - Toolset - Areas and Getting Started.
23rd October 2006
We have a new affilated site and what a nice site they have called the Saga Project and you can check them out here.
21st October 2006
Added another tutorial which this time is about water. You will find this under Tutorials - Toolset - Areas and Getting Started.
20th October 2006
Added another tutorial which is about terrain. You will find this under Tutorials - Toolset - Areas and Getting Started.
19th October 2006
Should all know that Neverwinter Nights 2 has gone GOLD...More news on our forums. Added one scritping link to the Link Page (NWN2 Codex). Also added one visual fx link in the downloads section.
18th October 2006
A new tutorial is up, which is a simple one with regards to starting location (can be found under Tutorials - Toolset - Areas and also Getting Started. Also added a Visual Effect link called Lava Splash, which you can find under Downloads - Visual FX.
17th October 2006
New tutorial made by Freckle Smoker about Placing Lights is up (Tutorials - Toolset - Placeables). Thank you Freckle Smoker for a great tutorial. Added 2 Persistent World Links (The Otherside Chronicles and Moonlight and Shadows)
16th October 2006
A new tutorial to create an NPC and also how to equip it, which you will find under Toolset - Tutorials - Creatures. Added one link for Jassper's Noob Corner
15th October 2006
Added a new section called Custom Content under Tools and added a link to Adinos Retexturing Tool. A new section under the Links page has been added called Modules and Persistent Worlds with 3 new links added, the first is NWN 2 Mods, which is a very nice looking site with a great looking module already uploaded (take a look and you will see what I mean). The other link is for Exodus a Persistent World that I am helping with. The third link added is from our Forums member Dragonsbane777 , regarding his Persistent World World of Talernon. If you want a link to be shown here then please let me know.
14th October 2006
Added a new Visual FX pagee in the download section with 4 visual FX links added.
13th October 2006
Added some tutorials that came with the toolset about conversations (Tutorials - Toolset - Conversations). Added 2 more plugins to the plugins download page.
12th October 2006
Day and Night Settings tutorial that came with the toolset is up in the Tutorials - Toolset - Area section. Thanks to mesterKG from the forums for the heads up on the update of the create a plugin guide by mcmillanjj as I believe there was a problem with the original guide in creating toolbars. I have updated the Create a Plugins page (Tutorials - Toolset - Plugins) and also uploaded the original document so that you can cut and paste the code from the Word document.
Gilthonym from the Bioware boards has updated his guide Don't Panic which you can get from the NWVault here, which is an excellent guide for all us newbies. If you do download it and enjoy it, please show your appreciation and vote.
11th October 2006
Added 1 plugin to the download plugins page. Added a Tips for creating an area page, which is from BenWH of DLA in the Toolset Tutorial under Area.
10th October 2006
Two more tutorials that came with the toolset are up in the Tutorial - Toolset - Items section (Create Weapons and Armour). Added 2 more plugins to the download plugins page.
9th October 2006
Using the domain name of www.nwn2toolset.com now points to this site. Two tutorials that came with the toolset are up in the Tutorial - Toolset - Items section. Added 4 more plugins to the download plugins page.
8th October 2006
Added a new section called Downloads, which you can see on the left hand side bar. I have added a section called Plugins on the download page and Maximus from NWVault has given me his permission to link direct to his site.
7th October 2006
Another great tutorial by Gilthonym and this time I have posted his instructions on door transitions, which can be found under Tutorials, Toolset and Area (link can also be found under the Getting Started section).
6th October 2006
Took away the Camera Control page from the Tutorial - Getting Started section and replaced it with a Toolset Controls page.
5th October 2006
Added a new section to the Toolset Tutorials - Toolset called Plugins and have split mcmillanjj great guide into two parts: 1st part is how to install a plugin and the 2nd part is how to make a plugin. There are already some great plugins released which are hosted on NWVault, which I will provide links to shortly.
4th October 2006
Please welcome new staff member Gilthonym from the Bioware boards. He has written a great guide Don't Panic. Added a new section under tutorials called Custom Content and under that link a new tutorial called Add a texture, which was by Lorft also from the Bioware forums. Added the Create a Waterfall tutorial that was created by Veragoan from the Bioware boards (Its under Tutorials, Toolset, Area, Create a waterfall).
3rd October 2006
Part 1 of the Navigate around the toolset is up. Parting ripped from the Introduction Guide that came with the toolset (Can be found in the Tutorial, Toolset and then Getting Started). I have also added a small guide about Camera Controls in the same area (Getting Started). Credit goes to Gilthonym from the Bioware boards.
2nd October 2006
First tutorial is up...How to create an area, which can be found under Tutorials, Toolset and then Area. Then click on the Create an Area link.
